Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Whole Lot o’ Pickin’ Going On

IMG_6892-copy_webThis week my sister and nephews came for a visit.  I will spend the next few days telling you about our time together. 

It’s cherry picking time here in the Flathead Valley.  It has become a tradition in our little family to go picking every summer.  We take a picnic lunch and spend a couple hours, picking our fill to eat and to share with friends.  We are very fortunate to have some friends who have about 50 cherry trees on their property and they invite us each year to come and pick as much as we can take.    This year it was so perfect that my sister and nephews got the chance to come wiht us!  What a treat!  In a couple of hours we picked about 18 gallons. 

IMG_6904-copy3_webI was beginning to think Li’l K was going to eat herself sick on cherries, or maybe turn into one.   By the time we left she had cherry juice all down her chin and all over the front of her clothes, not to mention on her feet from walking on cherries that had fallen off the trees. 

IMG_6914-copy_web Li’l K became fast friends with my sister during their stay.  What could be better than sharing cherry kisses with a cute little blonde 3-year-old girl?

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There were plenty of trees with low branches for small boys and girls to pick from.  And I think more berries went into their tummies than into their buckets.  But that’s what berry picking is all about.


IMG_6929-copy_web When we first got set up my sister and I were busy taking pictures of the kids picking cherries.  Then the kids went off to play on the play set and we started our picking.  I warned her that once you start picking you don’t want to stop.  I don’t know what it is, but that happens to me every year. 

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The branches were so loaded with fruit that they looked like cherry ropes.

Here are some photos that my sister took to share here on my blog as well:


1 comment:

  1. I would kill for some refreshing cherries right now! It's soooooooo hot here!


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