Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Photo curtesy of Google Images

I love this time of the year! It's one of my absolute favorite holidays. Our family has a tradition that we've been doing now for several years. We go to my aunt's house. It's the best place on earth.

When I was young I spent a lot of time at Aunt Roxie's house. She was my main babysitter. I have the fondest memories of time spent there.

I remember Aunt Roxie doing laundry. The sound of the washer and dryer in the background and the smell of clean laundry was so comforting. She would fold her clean clothes on the kitchen table. At lunchtime she would make us (my siblings and I) peanut butter and Welch's Grape jelly sandwiches with a cold glass of milk. We would sit at the table and eat, with the clothes piles pushed out of the way.

At the back door was an old wooden screen door. The spring squeaked when it was open and I can still hear it slam shut. It seems kind of strange that that would be a comforting memory.

Aunt Roxie had an old dog, Brownie, who was getting way on in years. In fact, he was so old that all I remember him doing was sleeping behind the living room stove. Us kids were told to not go near him because he was crotchety and might bite us.

Aunt Roxie doesn't live in the old, wonderful house anymore. They sold it. It really was old and too small for them. When they sold it and moved somewhere else I cried. But I soon found out that Aunt Roxie's house is still the same no matter what building she lives in. Aunt Roxie's house is still the smell of fresh laundry when you walk in the door. It's drinking tea with spun honey in it. It's leather slippers. It's the sound of another log being put into the woodstove. It's the sound of whistling. It's the sound of stories being told. It's the smell of leather and hides. It's the smell of something wonderful cooking in the kitchen. It's the sound of jokes and laughter. It's the best place on earth.

Now, when our little family heads out for Thanksgiving at Aunt Roxie's house we sing the song:

Over the river and through the woods

To Aunt Roxie's house we go

The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh

Through the white and drifting snow

Over the river and through the woods

To Aunt Roxie's house we go

Hurrah for the fun is the pudding done

Hurrah for the pumpkin pie

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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