I have rediscovered my Canon EF 50mm 1.8 prime lens! Here are some photos of my family that I took today. Just playing around.
I had forgotten just how much I love this little lens! It was my first lens. When I got my camera, it was a body only. So, being on a very tight budget, I did some research and found that this lens would be a great starter. I wasn't disappointed!
When I first got my 50mm lens, I didn't know anything about my camera. So I shot totally in automatic with it. I just realized it's been a year now since I've gone "manual" with my camera settings and I really haven't used my 50mm in that time. Even a year ago, I really didn't know much about aperture. So rediscovering this lens is like finding a treasure! With such a wide aperture I'm going to have a blast playing with this lens again! Can't wait to play with it more!
Oooo, nice pics! Now I have to go see if I have this lens! Your girls are so pretty!