Saturday, December 29, 2007

Blog Prompt: On the 28th day of December I will time-travel back to

...the days of Anne of Green Gables. It has become our family tradition, around this Christmas time of year, to watch the Anne of Green Gables movies...all three sets. Christmas just isn't Christmas without it. I have to say though, it's just the girls and I that watch it. My hubby gags at the mention of it!
The women and girls wore such lovely fashions. The men were gentlemen.
Some of my favorite things about this movie are the gardens, the scenery, the warmth and wholesomeness that you feel. Even if things go wrong, it will be ok in the end and we laugh and shake our heads because we've been there too. It's a fairy tale. We all love the fairy tale. It's a breath of fresh air.
At our house, while we watch the movie, we like to curl up with a warm cup of tea or hot chocolate and cake or other treat. Just watching the movie makes you want to have a tea party!


  1. It's been years since I have seen that movie. Will have to take a look at it again. I bet the Princess would love it. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Love you blog and all the awesome pix! I watched Anne of Green Gables this Christmas too and was equally warmed and challenged to be the better person while assisting others by truly listening to their hearts.
    Love ya, Grandpa Bud

  3. Don't forget the Avonlea series, too...I could live the fantasy much longer with the Disney series.

    Anne of Green Gables is my choice of programming when I'm home in bed with a cold.


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