Saturday, August 9, 2008

Scenes from Farm Day This Week

Little Farmer I

My friend M, who owns The Farm, is expecting their first little one. She's due in September. Can you even tell she's pregnant? She has such a cute little bubble in front.
Holding the bunch of basil is my girls' friend M.

J with M's cousin C, who is working for her on The Farm this summer.

M's cozy little cottage.

Harvesting goin' on all around.


  1. Sonesta, Your farm photos are absolutely wonderful. Thank you for taking these. I love having photos to look at.

  2. Sonesta, Looking at your new house almost made me cry. Our God is so amazing and good!! After our conversation about my house and how much you love it and how much you wanted one, I am so excited at how much God loves you! Congratulations!
    Let's think about a great harvest party out there. Awesome,awesome! Can't wait to see it. Marie


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